Pods, capsules and sachets can reduce both the time needed to brew coffee and to simplify the brewing process by eliminating the need to dispense parts, flavorings, additives and large bulk containers. You can also help to keep the unused product fresh by packaging individual parts separately at no charge to the entire supply air and light. Paper coffee can be functionally identical to the plastic and metal coffee capsules, when the pods are individually sealed in separate paper bags.
Coffee pods
Pods (also called coffee pads) are packaged ground coffee beans in their own filters. In certain non-English speaking countries such as Germany and the Netherlands, the word "pad" instead of "pod".
Coffee capsule
A coffee capsule differs from a coffee pod in that the coffee is packed in a plastic or aluminum package instead of a paper filter, and it is usually designed for use with a single brand or system and is therefore not interchangeable with other systems.
Coffee bags
A variant is designed bags of coffee, for the convenience of instant coffee, but love the taste of coffee. Following the example of teabags, it consists of a mesh bag with a mixture of finely ground coffee and instant coffee in hot water for about five minutes to enjoy.