Weasel (copy-Rourke) Coffee
Has been known as an important producer and distributor of kopi luwak (CA EP Chung word, "weasel coffee" Vietnam) Chunguen: also known as civet coffee, natural and simulated. The most expensive coffee in the world, pass through the digestive tract, coffee made from coffee beans eaten fruit in the palm civet and other related (Paradoxurus muff) civet of Asia kopi luwak As mentioned extensively, is. After you have collected, a thorough washing, sun drying, the yield of fragrant coffee beans for brewing light, much less of bitterness and roasting.
Has been known as an important producer and distributor of kopi luwak (CA EP Chung word, "weasel coffee" Vietnam) Chunguen: also known as civet coffee, natural and simulated. The most expensive coffee in the world, pass through the digestive tract, coffee made from coffee beans eaten fruit in the palm civet and other related (Paradoxurus muff) civet of Asia kopi luwak As mentioned extensively, is. After you have collected, a thorough washing, sun drying, the yield of fragrant coffee beans for brewing light, much less of bitterness and roasting.
Synthase, to generate affect the taste of actual, such as kopi luwak is brand kopi luwak Legendee simulated Chung Nguyen coffee use reducing the need to mimic the civet of gastric acid, rely on the civet cat product, which is currently in Vietnam are on the verge of extinction because of excessive hunting was.
It is in August 2010, Chief Executive Officer reported that the (CEO) Dan Nguyen Trung Nguyen had begun VU (non-simulated) to dispose of their own production company that weasel kopi luwak natural sub-brand. Due to the complex manufacturing process, 40 to 50 kilometers only of weasel coffee is produced each year. 6-fold higher cost of $ 3000 bag of weasel coffee kopi luwak Indonesia, of 1 kg: it is, other than the product of much more expensive enterprise. Dan, however, Chung Nguyen Vietnam thing of a high level Select the forced feeding it or dependent on the production of a range of masked palm civet in the wild for free, instead of itself, coffee beans the best, and that it is cage argues that language version.