Jan 10, 2011

A History of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee 3

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee’s Quality is No Accident
The final portion of the equation is a combination of botanical husbandry and meticulous processing of the beans from pulping to roast to your cup of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee. In 1953 the Jamaica government passes the first of many laws establishing the boundaries of exceptional quality. It was first decreed that only coffees grown within a specific Blue Mountain region could be called Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee. The Jamaican Coffee Industry board also initiated strict regulation of all Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee. The regulations inform processors of acceptable levels of moisture content, bean size and other indicators of quality. Each and every shipment of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is cupped and evaluated by the coffee industry board through rigorous cupping and only if the Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee meets their rigid standards is the shipment allowed to depart from Jamaica.

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is world renowned for delivering a very well balanced cup, with medium acidity, excellent body and a smooth chocolate finish. Well balanced, full-bodied with subtle acidity is the age old description that every coffee aspires to reach. So as you have read, though Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is Arabica Typica, it is anything but typical.