Dec 1, 2010


Caffè espresso, expresso or just espresso is a concentrated coffee beverage brewed by forcing hot water under pressure through finely ground coffee.

Compared to other coffee brewing methods, espresso often has a thicker consistency, a higher concentration of dissolved solids, and crema (foam).As a result of the pressurized brewing process, all of the flavours and chemicals in a typical cup of coffee are very concentrated.For this reason, espresso is The base for other drinks, such as lattes, cappuccino, macchiato, mochas, and americanos.

The first machines were introduced in Italy at the beginning of the 20th Century, with the first patent being filed by Luigi Bezzera of Milan, Italy, in 1901, who invented a steam pressure system.In 1938, Cresemonesi introduced a piston based espresso machine, which eliminated the burnt taste associated with the steam pressure units.

Although caffeine more espresso coffee per unit of volume than most beverages, compared on the basis of the usual portions, a 30 ml (1 U.S. fluid ounce) coffee rotated half caffeine from a standard 180 ml (6 U.S. fluid ounces) cup of coffee drip-off ranges from 80 mg to 130, and thus a 60 ml (2 U.S. fl oz) has approximately the same double-shot espresso caffeine as a 180 ml (6 dl USA) filter cup of coffee. In terms of coffee, the espresso extraction have the same (about 20% of the ground coffee in the coffee liquid extracted), but a higher strength drink coffee (concentration of solutes of coffee per unit volume) because less water.

Brewing process
A modern espresso machine
Espresso, hot water is highly compressed at high pressure through finely ground coffee.Generally one, you would use an espresso machine to make, although the stove espresso machines and portable devices such as the Aero Press can be made. The act of creating an espresso is often referred to as "pulling" a shot from the espresso machine, the lever is pulled down a lever on a spring-loaded piston, so that hot water through the coffee under the desired high pressure. However, nowadays it is customary that the pressure with a pump or steam can be generated.
This process produces an almost syrupy beverage by extracting and emulsifying the oils in the ground coffee.

Espresso roast
Espresso is not a specific bean or roast level; it is a coffee brewing method. Any bean or roasting level can be used to produce authentic espresso and different beans have unique flavor profiles lending themselves to different roasting levels and styles.
In Italy, roast levels can vary quite a bit. In Southern Italy, a darker roast is often preferred, but the farther north one goes in the country, the trend moves toward lighter roasts.

An expert operator of an espresso machine is a barista, the Italian word for a bartender.

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Espresso is the main type of coffee in many parts of the world, though this is a recent phenomenon.

With the rise of various coffee chains in the 1990s, espresso-based drinks rose in popularity in the United States, with the city of Seattle viewed as one of the origins of modern interest. In addition to the Italian style of coffee, coffee chains typically offer many variations by adding syrups, whipped cream, flavour extracts, soy milk, and various spices to their drinks.

Espresso has become increasingly popular in recent years, in regions where coffee has traditionally been prepared in other ways. In Northern Europe, specialty coffee chains have emerged, selling various sorts of espresso from street corners and high streets.

Home espresso machines have increased in popularity with the general rise of interest in espresso. Today, a wide range of home espresso equipment can be found in kitchen and appliance stores, online vendors, and department stores.

The popularity of espresso developed in various ways; a detailed discussion of the spread of espresso is given in (Morris 2007), which is a source of various statements below.
In Italy, the rise of espresso consumption was associated with urbanization, espresso bars providing a place for socialization. Further, coffee prices were controlled by local authorities, provided that the coffee was consumed standing up, encouraging the "stand at a bar" culture.
In the English speaking world espresso was especially popular in the form of cappuccino, because of the tradition of drinking coffee with milk and the exotic allure of the foam, in the United States was often in the form of milk added to coffee, especially with flavor syrup. The latte is claimed that in the 1950s by the Italian-American Lino Meiorin Caffe Mediterraneum in Berkeley, California, conceived as a long cappuccino, and then became popular in Seattle, and then national and international resident of Seattle Starbucks in the late 1980 years and the 1990s.
In the United Kingdom, the espresso is increasing in popularity among the youth in the 1950s, the more welcoming to the coffee shops than in the public houses (pubs).

In Australia, consumption of coffee increased in popularity due to the ban on the sale of alcohol until 06.00.

Espresso was initially popular, especially within the Italian diaspora, increasingly popular with tourists to travel to Italy to other espresso, ice cream parlors founded by Italians and Germany to suspend.

First, expatriate Italian espresso bars were down venues, serving the working class Italian diaspora - thus granting an appeal on the alternative subculture / counterculture, this can not be in the United States in the Italian American neighborhood in Boston's North End, Little Italy in New York are seen, and San Francisco's North Beach. As a specialty coffee in the years 1980 (based on past performance in the years 1970 and 1960 also) developed, developing a local artisan coffee culture, coffee, instead of positioning itself as a luxury drink.
Today, coffee culture commentators distinguish large chain, midmarket coffee as "Second Wave Coffee", and upmarket, artisanal coffee as Third Wave Coffee.

In Northern Europe (particularly Scandinavia) and to a greater extent in most of Central Europe, espresso is associated with European identity, as in New Europe. By contrast, in Hungary, espresso is associated with pre-Communist cafe culture.
In the Middle East Espresso is quite popular and becoming more widely available with the openings of Western coffee shop chains. However, the most common type of coffee remains Turkish coffee which is also served short like espresso. Turkish coffee is almost the same measure of ground coffee as an espresso, added to water and brought to a boil. It is quite common that ground Cardamom is added to the blend of coffee for added flavor.
Currently in Britain espresso is uniformly popular across all pre-retirement age groups, but is unevenly popular across class lines, being primarily associated with educated professionals.

Café vs. home
A distinctive feature of espresso as opposed to other coffee is espresso's association with cafés, due both to the equipment and skill required, and thus espresso has been primarily a social experience.

Initially espresso machines were not available for home use, domestic machines only developing in the 1970s, and remaining expensive, bulky, and requiring skill to operate. In recent years the development of easy-to-use home espresso makers based on coffee pods (like the E.S.E standard) has increased the quantity of espresso consumed at home, though top-quality espresso continues to require expensive equipment and skill, and remains primarily associated with cafés or the enthusiast community.

Etymology and usage of the term
The origin of the word "espresso" is the subject of fierce debate. Although some Anglo-American dictionaries simply "pushed out" to "espresso" to indicate, like the English word "express", brings the feeling of "Just For You" and "fast", which indicates the method of his espresso. "

In order words, expression and espresso every catch have different meanings in English, French and Italian. The first sense is related to the term "expression" or compression of the flavor of the coffee with the pressure of the steam. The second meaning is related to speed, as well as in a train. Finally, there is the idea to make a do "specifically" for one person ... The first Bezzera and Pavoni espresso machine in 1906 took 45 seconds for a cup of coffee, for a time, you explicitly. (Cracks (cited below) p.99) -
Many Latin European countries, such as France and Portugal, use the expresso form.[citation needed] In the United States and Canada, both espresso and expresso are used.[8] Italy uses the term espresso, substituting most x letters in Latin root words with s; x is not considered part of the standard Italian alphabet. Italian people commonly refer to it simply as "caffè" (coffee), espresso being the ordinary coffee to order; in Spain, while "café expreso" is seeing as the more formal denomination, "café solo" (alone, without milk) is the usual way to ask for it when at a bar.

In Slovakia and the Czech republic, espresso is commonly referred to as "presso" and is served with liquid creamer on the side by default.This is referred to as "presso with milk" (presso s mliekom (Slovak).

Modern espresso, using hot water under pressure, as pioneered by Gaggia in the 1940s, was originally called "crema caffè", in English "cream coffee",as can be seen on old Gaggia machines, due to the crema.This term is no longer used, though "crema caffè" and variants ("caffè crema", "café crema") find occasional use in branding.

Doppio, Ristretto, and Lungo
The main variables in a shot of espresso are the size and length.Terminology is standardized, but precise sizes and proportions vary substantially.

Cafés generally have a standardized shot (size and length), such as "triple ristretto",only varying the number of shots in espresso-based drinks such as lattes, but not changing the extraction – changing between a double and a triple require changing the filter basket size, while changing between ristretto, normale, and lungo require changing the grind, and cannot easily be accommodated in a busy café, as fine tweaking of the grind is a central aspect to consistent quality espresso-making, which is disrupted by major changes such as ristretto to lungo.

The size can be a single, double, or triple, which correspond roughly to a 1, 2, and 3 US fluid ounce (approximately 30, 60 or 90ml) standard ("normale") shot, and use a proportional amount of ground coffee, roughly 7–8, 14–16, and 21–24 grams; correspondingly sized filter baskets are used. The Italian term doppio is often used for a double, with solo and triplo being more rarely used for singles and triples. The single shot is the traditional shot size, being the maximum that could easily be pulled on a lever machine, while the double is the standard shot today.
Single baskets are sharply tapered or stepped down in diameter to provide comparable depth to the double baskets and, therefore, comparable resistance to water pressure. Most double baskets are gently tapered (the "Faema model"), while others, such as the La Marzocco, have straight sides. Triple baskets are normally straight-sided.

Portafilters will often come with two spouts, usually closely-spaced, and a double-size basket – each spout can optionally dispense into a separate cup, yielding two solo-size (but doppio-brewed) shots, or into a single cup (hence why they are closely spaced). True solo shots are rare, with a single shot in a café generally being half of a doppio shot.

In espresso-based drinks, particularly larger milk-based drinks, a drink with three or four shots of espresso will be called a "triple" or "quad", respectively, but this does not mean that the shots themselves are triple or quadruple shots. Rather, generally double shots will be used, with 1½ shots used in a triple (split via the two spouts), and 2 shots used in a quad.

The length of the shot can be ristretto ("restricted"), normale/standard ("normal"), or lungo ("long"): these correspond to a smaller or larger drink with the same amount of ground coffee and same level of extraction. Proportions vary, and the volume (and low density) of crema make volume-based comparisons difficult (precise measurement uses the mass of the drink), but proportions of 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3–4 are common for ristretto, normale, and lungo, corresponding to 1, 2, and 3–4 US fl oz (30 ml, 60 ml, 90–120 ml) for a double shot. "Ristretto" is the most commonly used of these terms, and double or triple ristrettos are particularly associated with artisanal espresso.

Ristretto, normale, and lungo are not simply the same shot, stopped at different times – this will result in an underextracted shot (if run too short a time) or an overextracted shot (if run too long a time). Rather, the grind is adjusted (finer for ristretto, coarser for lungo) so that the target volume is achieved by the time extraction finishes.

A significantly longer shot, rare in the Anglosphere, is the caffè crema, which is longer than a lungo, ranging in size from 4–8 US fl oz (120–240 ml), and brewed in the same way, with a coarser grind.
Espresso can also be lengthened by dilution with hot water, as in the Americano or long black.
The method of adding hot water produces a milder version of original flavor, while passing more water through the load of ground coffee will add other flavors to the espresso, which might be unpleasant for some people.

Espresso-based drinks
In addition to being served alone, espresso is frequently blended, notably with milk (either steamed (without significant foam), wet foamed ("microfoam"), or dry foamed) and with hot water. Notable milk-based espresso drinks, in order of size, include: macchiato, cappuccino, flat white, and latte, while espresso and water drinks especially include the Americano and long black. Others include the red eye and latte macchiato. The cortado, piccolo, and galão are made primarily with steamed milk with little or no foam.
In order of size, these may be organized as follows:
* Traditional Macchiato: 35–40 ml, 1 shot (30 ml) with a small amount of milk (mostly steamed, with slight foam so there is a visible mark)
* Modern Macchiato: 60 ml or 120 ml, 1 or 2 shots (30 or 60 ml), with 1:1 milk
* Cortado: 60 ml, 1 shot with 1:1 milk, little foam
* Piccolo: 90 ml, 1 shot (30 ml) with 1:2 milk, little foam
* Galão: 120 ml, 1 shot with 1:3 milk, little foam
* Flat white: 150 ml, 1 or 2 shots (30 or 60 ml), with 1:4 or 2:3 milk
* Cappuccino: 150–180 ml, 1 or 2 shots (30 or 60 ml), traditionally with significant dry foam, today often found with wet foam
* Latte: 240–600 ml, 2+ shots (60 ml), with 1:3–1:9 milk
Some common combinations may be organized graphically as follows:
mixed with
frothed milk hot water
espresso is on top latte macchiato long black
bottom caffè latte caffè americano
Methods of preparation differ between drinks and between baristas. For macchiatos, cappuccino, flat white, and smaller lattes and Americanos, the espresso is brewed into the cup, then the milk or water is poured in. For larger drinks, where a tall glass will not fit under the brew head, the espresso is brewed into a small cup, then poured into the larger cup; for this purpose a shot glass or specialized espresso brew pitcher may be used. This "pouring into an existing glass" is a defining characteristic of the latte macchiato and classic renditions of the red eye. Alternatively, a glass with existing water may have espresso brewed into it – to preserve the crema – in the long black. Brewing onto milk is not generally done.

For a more comprehensive list, see List of coffee beverages
* Affogato (It. "drowned"): Espresso served over gelato. Traditionally vanilla is used, but some coffeehouses or customers use any flavor.
* Americano (It. "American"): Espresso and hot water, classically using equal parts each, with the water added to the espresso. Americano was created by American G.I.s during World War I who added hot water to dilute the strong taste of the traditional espresso.Similar to a long black, but with opposite order.
* Antoccino: (lt. "Priceless") A single shot of espresso with the same quantity of steamed milk poured above it, served in an espresso cup.
* Black eye: A cup of drip coffee with two shots of espresso in it. (alternately a red-eye or shot in the dark)
* Bicerin (Pms. "Little glass") Made of layers of espresso, drinking chocolate, and whole milk. Invented and served in Turin.
* Bombón (Sp. "confection"): Espresso served with condensed milk. Served in South East Asia, Canary Islands, Cook Islands and Mainland Spain.
* Breve (It. "short"): Espresso with half-and-half.
* Caffè Tobio : Espresso with an equal amount of American Coffee. Similar to Americano or Long Black
* Carajillo: (Sp. slang for "nothing"): Espresso with a shot of brandy.
* Cappuccino: Traditionally, one-third espresso, one-third steamed milk, and one-third microfoam. Often in the United States, the cappuccino is made as a cafè latte with much more foam, which is less espresso than the traditional definition would require. Sometimes topped upon request with a light dusting of cocoa powder.
* Corretto (It. "corrected"): coffee with a shot of liquor, usually grappa or brandy. "Corretto" is also the common Italian word for "spiked (with liquor)".
* Con hielo (Sp. "with ice"): Espresso immediately poured over two ice cubes, preferred in Madrid during Summer.
* Cortado (Sp./Port. "cut"): Espresso "cut" with a small amount of warm milk.
* Cubano (Sp. "Cuban"): Sugar is added to the collection container before brewing for a sweet flavor, different from that if the sugar is added after brewing. Sugar can also be whipped into a small amount of espresso after brewing and then mixed with the rest of the shot. Sometimes called "Cafe tinto".
* Doppio: (It. "Double") Double (2 US fluid ounces) shot of espresso.
* Espresso con Panna (It. "espresso with cream"): Espresso with whipped cream on top.
* Flat white: a coffee drink made of one-third espresso and two thirds steamed milk with little or no foam. (Very similar to "latte", see entry for lattes below)
* Frappe: Iced coffee topped off with whipped cream and usually chocolate syrup (flavors varies).
* Frappuccino: A type of espresso coffee made with frothed milk branded exclusively by Starbucks.
* Guillermo: Originally one or two shots of hot espresso, poured over slices of lime. Can also be served on ice, sometimes with a touch of milk.
* Café au lait (Fr. "coffee with milk"): In Europe, with shots of espresso and steamed milk prepared [Edit]. In the United States generally prepared with the French press or drip coffee. (Very similar to "latte", see entry below for lattes)

* Latte (It. "milk"): This term is an abbreviation for "Caffellatte" (or "caffè e latte"), coffee and milk. An espresso coffee-based beverages with a volume of hot milk, served by either a thin layer of foam or not, depending on the shop or the client's request.

* Latte Macchiato (It. "stained milk"): Essentially a reverse cafe latte, espresso poured on top of the milk. A latte macchiato is the caffè macchiato can be distinguished (see below). In Spain, as "Manchada" Spanish for stained glass (milk) is known.

* Long Black: Like an Americano, but with the order reversed - espresso added to hot water.

* Lungo (It. "long"): More water (approximately 1.5 x volume) will be through the ground coffee, which results in a weaker flavors (40 ml). Also known as an extension in French.

* Caffè Macchiato (It. "stained"): a small amount of milk or, sometimes, spooned the foam on the espresso. In Italy, further distinction is made between caffè macchiato caldo (hot) and Caffè Macchiato Freddo (cold), depending on the temperature of the milk is added, the cold version will always popular, as some people are unable to freely temperature hot caffè macchiato caldo, and must therefore have a minute or two before they are waiting for this version of the drink to consume. Caffè Macchiato is distinct from the latte macchiato (described above). In France, known as "Noisette".
* Cafe maroc chino: Made in Turin, usually served in a small glass, which is a shot of espresso, a touch of cocoa, frothed milk (about two tablespoons at the edge of the glass to make), then a pinch of cocoa to the top

* Maroon (Brown) etymology from Venezuela. An espresso with milk. Latte. Ranging from "Marron Claro" (light brown) with more milk, "Marron Oscuro" (Dark Brown) less milk.

* Wiener Melange (German: "Vienna blend") Coffee with milk and is similar to a cappuccino, but usually made with milder coffee (eg mocha), preferably caramelised.

* Mocha: Normally, a latte blended with chocolate. This is not the territory of Yemen or the coffee of this region (often referred to as 1/2 of mixture "Mocha Java" view) assigned to confuse.

* Normal: A normal length shot, ristretto or Lungo. Term, which in contrast to "Ristretto" and "Lungo" is used.

* Red Eye: A cup of coffee with two shots of espresso.

* Ristretto (It. "restricted") or Espresso Corto (It. "short") with less volume, resulting in a more sweeter taste (10-20 ml). Cafe Cafe or Serre court in French.

* Shot in the Dark: A cup of coffee with a shot of espresso. (Unique in the "shot in the dark" is the plural)

* Solo (It. "single") Single (1 U.S. fluid ounce) shot of espresso.

* Triple suicide: A cup of coffee with three shots espresso in it. A utilitarian drink only to the desperate and otherwise catatonic students.
* Triplo or Triple shot: Triple (3 US fluid ounces) shot of espresso; "triplo" is rare; "triple shot" is more common.
* '"Miami Vice'" or '"Cuban Americano'": The mixture of a Cubano and Americano, Sugar in the collection container, then mixed with hot water. This is often made as a double.