Mar 14, 2011

List of coffee varieties 7

Sulawesi Toraja Kalossi Arabica Indonesia Grown at high altitudes on the island of Sulawesi (formerly Celebes) in the middle of the Malay archipelago in Indonesia. Kalossi is the small town in central Sulawesi which serves as the collection point for the coffee and Toraja is the mountainous area in which the coffee is grown. Sulawesi exhibits a rich, full body, well-balanced acidity (slightly more than Sumatra) and is multi-dimensional in character. It has dark chocolate and ripe fruit undertones. It is an excellent coffee for darker roasting. Because of its semi-dry processing, it may roast a bit unevenly.
Timor, Arabusta Interspecific hybrid Indonesia Timor is not actually a variety of coffea arabica, but a hybrid of two species of coffee; coffea arabica and coffea canephora (also called Robusta). It was found on the island of Timor around the 1940s and it was cultivated because of its resistance to leaf rust (which most arabica coffee is susceptible to). It is called Hybrido de Timor in the Americas and Tim Tim or Bor Bor in Indonesia. Another hybrid between the two species is called Arabusta but generally only found in Africa.
Typica Arabica Worldwide The variety we call Typica is basically the same variety of coffee the Dutch gave to King Louis the <check> back in the 17th century <check>. Although, since then it has mutated slightly to reflect its surroundings i.e. Mexican Typica is genetically slightly different to Kona (Hawaiian Typica), and they take different names to reflect this: Criollo (South America), Arabigo (Americas), Kona (Hawaii), Pluma Hidalgo (Mexico), Garundang (Sumatra), San Bernado & San Ramon (Brazil), Kents & Chickumalgu (India)
Uganda Arabica/Robusta
Although it mostly produces Robusta coffee, there is a quality Arabica bean grown there known as Bugishu around the Sipi Falls area.

Robusta varieties

Although no separate types of beans, unusual and very expensive Robusta Kopi Luwak, the Indonesian and Philippine "Kape Alamid". The civet beans are from the droppings of the Common Palm, whose digestive processes give it a distinctive flavor-collected.

In North Sumatra, where you have the Mussang diets on the local arabica coffee.

other races
Although not as popular as Arabica and Robusta coffees are others there too. Kape Kape Barako or may Baraco, (English: Barako coffee), a Liberica.variety grown in the Philippines, particularly in the provinces of Batangas and Cavite.