Dec 27, 2010

History of Espresso 8

  * Frappuccino: A type of espresso coffee made with frothed milk branded exclusively by Starbucks.
    * Guillermo: Originally one or two shots of hot espresso, poured over slices of lime. Can also be served on ice, sometimes with a touch of milk.
    * Café au lait (Fr. "coffee with milk"): In Europe prepared with shots of espresso and steamed milk[citation needed]. In the United States usually prepared instead with French press or drip coffee. (Very similar to "latte", see entry for lattes below)
  * Latte (It. "milk"): This term is an abbreviation of "caffellatte" (or "caffè e latte"), coffee and milk. An espresso based drink with a volume of steamed milk, served with either a thin layer of foam or none at all, depending on the shop or customer's preference.[citation needed]

    * Latte macchiato (It. "stained milk"): Essentially an inverted cafè latte, with the espresso poured on top of the milk. The latte macchiato is to be differentiated from the caffè macchiato (described below). In Spain, known as "Manchada" Spanish for stained (milk).
* Long Black: Similar to an Americano, but with the order reversed - espresso added to hot water.
    * Lungo (It. "long"): More water (about 1.5x volume) is let through the ground coffee, yielding a weaker taste (40 mL). Also known as an allongé in French.
    * Caffè Macchiato (It. "stained"): A small amount of milk or, sometimes, its foam is spooned onto the espresso. In Italy it further differentiates between caffè macchiato caldo (warm) and caffè macchiato freddo (cold), depending on the temperature of the milk being added; the cold version is gaining in popularity as some people are not able to stand the rather hot temperature of caffè macchiato caldo and therefore have to wait one or two minutes before being able to consume this version of the drink. The caffè macchiato is to be differentiated from the latte macchiato (described above). In France, known as a "Noisette".
    * Cafè Marocchino: Created in Turin, normally served in a small glass, this is a shot of espresso, a sprinkling of cocoa, frothed whole milk (about two table spoons to bring to the brim of the glass), then a further sprinkling of cocoa on top
    * Marron:(Brown) Etymology from Venezuela. An espresso with Milk. Latte. Varying from "Marron Claro" (Light Brown) with more milk and "Marron Oscuro" (Dark Brown) less milk.
    * Wiener Melange (German: "Viennese blend") coffee with milk and is similar to a Cappuccino but usually made with milder coffee (e.g. mocha), preferably caramelised.
    * Mocha: Normally, a latte blended with chocolate. This is not to be confused with the region of Yemen or the coffee associated with that region (which is often seen as 1/2 of the blend "mocha java").
    * Normale: A normal length shot, not ristretto or lungo. Term primarily used to contrast with "ristretto" and "lungo".

    * Red eye: A cup of drip coffee with two shots of espresso in it.
    * Ristretto (It. "restricted") or Espresso Corto (It. "short"): with less volume, yielding a stronger sweeter taste (10–20 mL). Café serré or Café court in French.
    * Shot in the Dark: A cup of drip coffee with one shot of espresso in it. (Unique in that 'Shot in the Darks' is the plural form)
    * Solo (It. "single") Single (1 US fluid ounce) shot of espresso.
    * Triple Suicide: A cup of drip coffee with three shot of espresso in it.
    * Triplo or Triple shot: Triple (3 US fluid ounces) shot of espresso; "triplo" is rare; "triple shot" is more common.
    * '"Miami Vice'" or '"Cuban Americano'": The mixture of a Cubano and Americano, Sugar in the collection container, then mixed with hot water. This is often made as a double.