Dec 14, 2010

Kona coffee

Kona coffee is the market name for coffee (Coffea arabica) cultivated on the slopes of Hualalai and Mauna Loa in the North and South Kona Districts of the Big Island of Hawaii. This coffee has developed a reputation that has made it one of the most expensive and sought-after coffees in the world. Only coffee from the Kona Districts can be legally described as "Kona". The unique Kona weather pattern of sunny mornings, cloud cover or rain in the afternoons, little wind and mild nights combined with porous, mineral rich volcanic soil, creates favorable coffee growing conditions. The loanword for coffee in the Hawaiian language is kope, pronounce.

Samuel Ruggles on the Kona coffee district in 1828 spent.
The coffee plant was first brought to Kona in 1828 Reverend Samuel Ruggles from Brazilian cuttings: 9 but it was not until much later in this century that a consistent and valuable crop. It was grown on large plantations, but the 1899 world coffee market crash caused plantation owners to develop their land to rent to their employees. Most of these 70 employees were from Japan, introduced originally to work on large sugar cane plantations. They worked their leased plots 5-12 acres (49,000 m2) than family firms, producing large, quality coffee crops.

The tradition of running family farms has continued throughout Kona. The Japanese-origin families were followed by Filipinos, mainland Americans, Mexicans and Europeans. There are approximately 800 Kona coffee farms, with an average size of less than 5 acres (20,000 m2). In 1997 the total Kona coffee area 2290 acres (9 km2) and green coffee production was just over two million pounds.

Cultivation and processing
Kona coffee blooms in February and March. Small white flowers cover the tree and are known as Kona Snow. To begin in April, green berries appear on the trees. In late August, red fruit, called "cherry" because of the resemblance of the ripe berry to a cherry fruits begin to ripen for picking. Each tree is hand-picked several times between August and January, and has approximately 20 to 30 pounds of cherries.

Is performed within 24 hours after harvesting, the cherries through a pulper, the beans are separated from the pulp and then into a barrel of money market accounts. The fermentation is dependent on the temperature and thereby the height about 12 hours at a low height or 24 at a greater height. The beans are washed and spread on a drying rack or dry hoshidana. Traditional hoshidanas have a rolling roof to the beans in case of rain cover. It takes 7-14 days the beans to an optimal moisture content between 10 and 13% (of Hawaii Department of Agriculture requirements: 9.5 to 12.5%) to dry. From here, the beans as "Pergamino" parchment or stored. The parchment is milled off the green beans prior to roasting or wholesale.

Kona coffee beans according to the type of seed classified. Type I beans beans per two cherry, flat on one side, on the other hand oval. Type II beans from one round bean per cherry, also known as Peaberry. Further sorting of these two types of beans depending on the size, the moisture content, purity of bean type and size. The qualities of Type I Kona coffee are Kona Extra Fancy, Kona Fancy, Kona Number 1, "Kona Select" and Kona Prime. The qualities of Type II Kona coffee are Peaberry Number 1 and Peaberry Prime. There is also a lower grade of coffee called Number 3 which are not legally designated as "Kona".

Nematodes damage the root-damaged trees in the districts of Kona in 1990. The symptoms are individual or groups of trees with growth failure, in particular when they are transplanted. [3] In 2001, rhizome of the Coffea liberica proved against nematodes. It was with Coffea arabica "Guatemala" race, a plant in a natural way to produce the plague, and produces a high quality coffee product to be grafted. The combination was in Edward T. Fukunaga (1910-1984), the superintendent of the University of Hawaii Kona Research Station in Kainaliu in 1950, was named by the 1970's.

Kona combines
Due to the rarity and price of Kona coffee, some retailers sell "Kona blends". This is not a combination of different Kona coffee, but rather a blend of Kona and Colombian, Brazilian or other foreign coffee. In general, they contain only the minimum 10% and 90% cheaper Kona coffee beans imported needed.

The current Hawaii law requires, fits indicate the percentage of Kona coffee on the label. There are no related federal law. Some retailers use terms like Kona Roast, or Kona Style. To be considered authentic Kona coffee, Hawaii, the state of copyright require the prominent display of the words "100% Kona Coffee".

Recent developments
In the 1990s a company called Kona Kai Farms in Berkeley, Calif., is being sued on behalf of Kona coffee farmers. In October 1996, accused federal officials in San Francisco Kona Kai Farms Executive Michael Norton of fraud and money laundering charges wiring. He was the Central American coffee in bags, the signs had the Kona coffee since 1993.In 2000 Michael Norton pleaded guilty to one count of wire fraud and one count of tax evasion.

Some companies have successfully Kona tourist attractions. While some along the way with special permits, large souvenir shops in some areas that can be divided into zones, have joined the local agrarian resistance.

Coffee berries drilling contamination
Coffee Berry Borer (Hypothenemus hampei), the most detrimental to the beetle was discovered in Kona arabica coffee crop plantations in september 2010 by a student at the University of Hawaii. It is unknown how the small beetles to Kona, but the size of the attack shows that it has gone for a few years. By the end of november, the Hawaii Department of Agriculture declared a quarantine on all green (unroasted) beans to leave the island. Fumigation with methyl bromide as a chemical or a six-step process was required.The price of Kona coffee is expected to further increase (to $ 50 per pound in December 2010), or if the infection spreads lingers, because the insect has the potential to yield benefits of up to 90%.